Remote machine control via Raspberry pi

What is a Raspberry pi ?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers. It can be used to build hardware along with software system . It essentially acts like a mini computer where we can install our programs and work on them pretty much like a regular computer . However the applications of Rpi is really diversifies from making robots to kiosks , surveillance system to remote control agents etc .

Yes the new model B+ is out yet I have an old B model and I am trying ot most of the things using it before making the investment of purchasing a  new one .

2 3(images from :

Configuration :

  • The design is based around a Broadcom BCM2835 SoC, which includes an ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHz processor, VideoCore IV GPU, and 512 Megabytes of RAM.
  • The design does not include a built-in hard disk or solid-state drive, instead relying on an SD card for booting and long-term storage.
  • This board is intended to run Linux kernel based operating systems.
  • Generic USB keyboards and mice are compatible with it .
  • It does not come with a real-time clock, so an OS must use a network time server, or ask the user for time information at boot time to get access to time and date info for file time and date stamping. However a real time clock (such as the DS1307) with battery backup can be easily added via the I2C interface.

Physical architecture :


Pin Model :


Rpi model B startup

Requirements for boot

  1. Power supply
  2. HDMI cable to connect to HDMI tv or HDMI to VGA adapterto connect to monitor
  3. power charger ( micro USB same as phone )
  4. SD card upto 8 GB ( in case its a micro SD card then SD card adpater as well)
  5. monitor
  6. keyboard
  7. mouse
  8. internet through ethernet
  9. ethernet wire


top view of the board
top view of the board
HDMI connector for screen display from Rpi
HDMI connector for screen display from Rpi
Raspbian start
Raspbian start
Default id : pi  default password : raspberry
Default id : pi
default password : raspberry
OS boot up
OS boot up
raspbian on Raspberry pi
raspbian on Raspberry pi
run sudo apt-get update
run sudo apt-get update

 RPI model B to LED glow using timers in python

Aim :

First time booting Raspbian on Raspberry pi Model B . Connecting it to LED ( series with resistor ) and controlling the on -off process using timer logic written in python .

Requirements :

  1. Rs(RaspberryPi)
  2. Power supply
  3. Ethernet wire(3m)
  4. SDcard or micro SD card with adpater
  5. Breadboard
  6. LED(7)
  7. resistors(1k )(7)
  8. button
  9. breadboard wires

Steps :

1. Manual ON and OFF of LED on Rpi GPIO

To manually make the LED turn ON and OFF ,  make a serial connection of two GPIO pins with a LED  and resistor ( shown in the picture )

  • Open terminal and sudo su  to :/home/pi#
  • #echo25>/sys/class/gpio/export
  • File manager -> /home/pi -> sys -> class ->gpio -> gpiochip0 -> device -> gpio ->gpio25 , Change directory to this location
  • #cd /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip0/device/gpio/gpio25
  • List all files , with gpio#ls

To give output to LED through the pin 25 :

  • echo out>direction ( set this pin as output)
  • To tuen ON the LED , write 1 to the value of pin echo 1> value

To take input through pin 24 through a button

  • connect button to pin 24 of Rpi as earlier
  • echo in >direction
  • see the changes on pressing the button on cat value

2. GPIO control with WiringPi library

  • Install git , sudo apt-get innstall git-core
  • Get the sourcecode with :sudo git clone git://
  • cd wiringPi
  • ./build
  • $gpio -v
  • $gpio readall

To turn ON or OFF the first LED wiring pin 0 , set the pin as an output  -> gpio mode 0 out

  • To turn ON LED  -> $gpio write 0 1
  • To turn OFF  -> $gpio write 0 0

To read from a digital switch on wiringPin no

  • $ gpio read 0


1.  Timer based control

Following are the steps to make and execute a LED  control using timers in python .

 Machine control through RPi via Mobile app on Internet

Aim :

Controlling a machine via Rpi hub connected to internet . Users can control machine behavior through a web page or mobile app .


1. Install Raspbian wheezy ( details of installation are provided in the 1fisrt application on this page )

2. Get win32 Disk-manager 0.25 and dump into raspberry

3. Connect the Rpi via Ethernet wire to internet router . Find IP address of Rpi client by checking the router default console .

4. Connect the Rpi to remote machine

For Linux remote machine OS –Install tightVNC server

  • ssh  raspberrypi_username@ipaddress
  • sudo apt-get updates
  • sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
  • During installation supply a username and password example , username pi  , password altanai.

The viewer for VNC could be Remmina VNC viewer on linux

  • Incoming VNC server .
  • Enter username and password

For Windows  remote machine OS –Install putty

  • Enter Rpi_ip:port
  • login as pi given password  for example altanai

5. For the webpage

  • Install a web server  :sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
  • transfer the web page for machine control  to Rpi inside /var/www
  • index.phpo :  <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  • ctrl+ o to save , ctrl + x to exit
  • change permission fr user pi :  chown -R pi /var/www
  • test the webpage at http://rpi_address

6. For the android app

7. To control real machine like fan , tubelight , washing machine  , connect the output of Rpi to relay.

8. To control the machines from anywhere on the internet , this page need to be on public DNS . There fore host the website on public server like amazon Ec2 instance .

Light Fan control Rpi web

Github Repo for Rpi setup

Github project page

Demo video

Ref :
