TFX platform

So I haven’t written anything worthy in a while , just published some posts that were lying around in my drafts . Here I write about the main thing . some thing awesome that I was trying to accomplish in the last quarter .

<< TFX is now live in chrome store , open and free for public use . No signin or account required , no advertisements   : >>

TFX Sessions is a plug and play platform for VoIP ( voice over IP ) scenarios.  Intrinsically it  is a very lightweight API package and shipped in form of a Chrome Extension . It is a turn-key solution when parties want instant audio/audio communication without any sign-in ,plugin installation or additional downloads  . Additionally TFX Sessions is packaged with some interesting plugins which enable the communicating parties to get the interactive and immersive experience as in a face to face meeting.

There is a market requirement of making a utterly simple WebRTC API  that has everything needed to build bigger aggregate projects but the available solutions are either just to basic or much too complex . So I initially started writing my own getuserMedia APIs, but left it midway and picked up simplewebrtc API instead for want of time .Then I focused on the main crux  of the project which was the widget API and ease of integration.

How Does TFX Sessions Work ?

  • Signalling channel establishes the session using Offer- Answer Model
  • Browser’s  media API’s , like getUserMedia and Peerconnection are used for media flow
  • Media only flows peer to peer
TFX WebRTC platform architecture . socket io signalling
TFX WebRTC platform architecture . socket io signalling

A Widget is essentially any web project that wants communication over webrtc channel . Once the platform is ready I have core APIs , widgets and signalling server. Then came up the subject of enterprise internet blocking my communication stream . Time for TURN ( Coturn in my case ).

TFX create / join room
TFX create / join room
TFX startup screen
TFX startup screen

Components of TFX

Client Side Components of tangoFX :

broplug API
Inhouse master library for TangoFX. Makes the TFX sessions platform .Masks the low level webrtc and socketio functions .
Provides simple to use handles for interesting plugins development in platform .
performs webrtc support , peer configuration , wildemitter , utils , event emitters , JSON formatter , websocket , socket namespace , transport , XHR more like so
exports and listener for real time event based bidirectional communication
JS library for client side scripting
HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components.

Server Side components

Signalling Server -signal master server for webrtc signalling
TURN -Coturn
TURN protocol based media traversal for connecting media across restricting domains ie firewalls, network policies etc .
redis Data structure to maintain current and lost sessions

TFXSessions Components


So here is the final architecture of TFX chrome extension widget based platform .

  • The client side contains widgets , chore extension APIs , chrome’s WebRTC API’s , client for signalling , HTML5 , Jquerry , Javascript , and CSS for styling.
  • The Server Side of the solution contains server for signalling , manuals and other help/support materials , HTTPS certificate and TURN server implementation for NAT .
TFX whitepaper v2.0
TFX platform Server client components . WebRTC media and socketio communication . Build as chrome Extension

Salient Features

  • The underlying technology of TangoFX is  webrtc with socket based signalling  . Also it adheres to the latest standards of W3C , IETF and ITU on internet telephony .
  • TangoFX sessions is extremely scalable and flexible due to the abstraction between communication and service development. This make it a piece of  cake for any web developer using  TangoFX interface to add his/ her own service easily and quickly without diving into the nitty gritties .
  • TangoFX is currently packaged in a chrome extension supported on chrome browser on desktop operating system like window , mac , linux etc .
  • The call is private to both the parties as it is peer-to-peer meaning that the media / information exchanged by the parties over TangoFX does not pass through an intervening server as in other existing internet calling solutions.
  • TangoFX is very adaptive to slow internet and can be used across all kinds of networks such as corporate to public without being affected by firewall or restricting policies  .

TFX Widget Screens

Alright so that’s there . Tada the platform is alive and kicking . Right now in beta stage however . Intensive testing going on here . However here are some screenshots that are from my own developer version .

TFX recording widget
TFX recording widget
TFX face detection and overlay widget
TFX face detection and overlay widget
TFX multilingual communication
TFX multilingual communication
TFX screen-sharing
TFX screen-sharing
TFX video Filters
TFX video Filters
TFX audio visualizer
TFX audio visualizer
TFX text messaging widget
TFX text messaging widget
TFX cross domian access . flicker here
TFX cross domain access . flicker here
TFX draw widget
TFX draw widget
TFX code widget supportes many programming languages
TFX code widget supportes many programming languages
TFX  webrtc dynamic stats
TFX webrtc dynamic stats
TFX  introduction widget
TFX introduction widget

Note that the widgets described above have been made with the help of third party APIs.

TFX Sessions Summary

We saw that TFX is WebRTC based communication and collaboration solution .It is build on Open standards from w3c , IETF , Google etc.
Scalable and customizable. Immersive and interactive experience .
Easy to build widgets framework using TangoFX APIs.

TFX User Manual :

TFX Developer’s Manual :

TangoFX v1 demo on youtube
TangoFX reseracg paper on
TangoFX article on Linkedin