crtmpserver + ffmpeg

This post will show the process of installing , running and using crtmpserver on ubuntu 64 bit machine with gstreamer .

gcc and cmake

We shall build gstreamer directly from sources . For this we first need to determine if gcc is installed on the machine .

If not installed then  run the following command

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project supporting various programming languages( C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada, Go etc).

sudo apt-get install build-essential

once it is isnatlled it can be tested with printing the version

Screenshot from 2016-06-09 11-24-33.png

cmake is a software compilation tool.It uses compiler independent configuration files, and generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the differemt compiler environment .


To get the source code from git install git first . Then clone the project from

sudo apt-get git
git clone
cd crtmpserver/builders/cmake

Next we create all makefile’s using cmake .

cmake .

Output should look as follows

Screenshot from 2016-06-09 11-47-05

Run make to do compilation


Screenshot from 2016-06-09 11-57-19

Run using following command . If should print out a list of ports and their respecting functions

./crtmpserver/crtmpserver crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua

| Services|
| c | ip | port| protocol stack name | application name |
|tcp|| 1112| inboundJsonCli| admin|
|tcp|| 1935| inboundRtmp| appselector|
|tcp|| 8081| inboundRtmps| appselector|
|tcp|| 8080| inboundRtmpt| appselector|
|tcp|| 6666| inboundLiveFlv| flvplayback|
|tcp|| 9999| inboundTcpTs| flvplayback|
|tcp|| 6665| inboundLiveFlv| proxypublish|
|tcp|| 8989| httpEchoProtocol| samplefactory|
|tcp|| 8988| echoProtocol| samplefactory|
|tcp|| 1111| inboundHttpXmlVariant| vptests|

If you the following types of errors while pushing a stream to crtmpserver , they just denote they your pipe is not using the correct format.

/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpacceptor.cpp:154 Client connected: ->
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:119 Handlers count changed: 11->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/http/basehttpprotocol.cpp:281 Headers section too long
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/http/basehttpprotocol.cpp:153 Unable to read response headers: CTCP(16) <-> TCP(13) <-> [IHTT(14)] <-> IH4R(15)
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:89 Unable to signal data available
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:129 Handlers count changed: 12->11 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [IH4R(15)]
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:240 Protocol [IH4R(15)] unregistered from application: appselector
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpacceptor.cpp:154 Client connected: ->
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:119 Handlers count changed: 11->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/ts/inboundtsprotocol.cpp:211 I give up. I'm unable to detect the ts chunk size
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/ts/inboundtsprotocol.cpp:136 Unable to determine chunk size
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:89 Unable to signal data available
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:129 Handlers count changed: 12->11 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [ITS(17)]
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:240 Protocol [ITS(17)] unregistered from application: flvplayback
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpacceptor.cpp:154 Client connected: ->
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:119 Handlers count changed: 11->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/inboundrtmpprotocol.cpp:77 Handshake type not implemented: 85
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/basertmpprotocol.cpp:309 Unable to perform handshake
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:89 Unable to signal data available
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:129 Handlers count changed: 12->11 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [IR(19)]
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:240 Protocol [IR(19)] unregistered from application: appselector
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpacceptor.cpp:154 Client connected: ->
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/liveflv/inboundliveflvprotocol.cpp:51 _waitForMetadata: 1
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:119 Handlers count changed: 11->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/liveflv/baseliveflvappprotocolhandler.cpp:45 protocol CTCP(16) <-> TCP(20) <-> [ILFL(21)] registered to app flvplayback
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/liveflv/inboundliveflvprotocol.cpp:102 Frame too large: 6324058
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:89 Unable to signal data available
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:129 Handlers count changed: 12->11 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [ILFL(21)]
/home/altanai/crtmpserver/sources/thelib/src/protocols/liveflv/baseliveflvappprotocolhandler.cpp:58 protocol [ILFL(21)] unregistered from app flvplayback


Download and install ffmpeg from git

 git clone ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg

Once the source code is obtained we need to configure , make and make install it .
We need to have following plugins for muxing and ecoding like libx264 for h264parse , so we configure with the following options

./configure \
  --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" \
  --pkg-config-flags="--static" \
  --extra-cflags="-I$HOME/ffmpeg_build/include" \
  --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" \
  --bindir="$HOME/bin" \
  --enable-gpl \
  --enable-libass \
  --enable-libfreetype \
  --enable-libopus \
  --enable-libtheora \
  --enable-libvorbis \
  --enable-libx264 \
  --enable-libx265 \

the make and make install

sudo make install

Screenshot from 2016-06-09 16-59-49

Incase of errors  on ffmpeg configure command , you need to install the respective missing / not found library


sudo apt-get install libass-dev


sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev


sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install libtool

wget -O libaacplus-2.0.2.tar.gz
tar -xzf libaacplus-2.0.2.tar.gz
cd libaacplus-2.0.2
./ --with-parameter-expansion-string-replace-capable-shell=/bin/bash --host=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --enable-static

sudo make install

compressed audio format for mid to high quality (8kHz-48.0kHz, 16+ bit, polyphonic) audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channe. It is from the same reank as MPEG4 AAC

tar -zxvf libvorbis-1.3.2.tar.bz2
cd libvorbis-1.3.2
./configure && make && make install

encoding video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC compression format, and is released under the terms of the GNU GPL.

git clone git://
cd x264
./configure --host=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --enable-static --disable-opencl
sudo make install

libvpx is an emerging open video compression library which is gaining popularity for distributing high definition video content on the internet.

sudo apt-get install checkinstall
git clone
cd libvpx
sudo checkinstall --pkgname=libvpx --pkgversion="1:$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)-git" --backup=no     --deldoc=yes --fstrans=no --default

librtmp provides support for the RTMP content streaming protocol developed by Adobe and commonly used to distribute content to flash video players on the web.

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
cd /home/pi/src
git clone git://
cd rtmpdump
make SYS=posix
sudo checkinstall --pkgname=rtmpdump --pkgversion="2:$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)-git" --backup=no --deldoc=yes --fstrans=no --default


Additionally “pkg-config –list-all” command list down all the installed libraries.

RTMP streaming

1.start the stream from linux machine using ffmpeg

ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s 320x240 -i /dev/video0 -f flv -s qvga -b 750000 -ar 11025 -metadata streamName=aaa "tcp://<hidden_ip>:6666/live";

Screenshot from 2016-06-11 17-50-02

2.view the incoming packets and stats on terminal at crtmpserver

Screenshot from 2016-06-11 17-53-22

3.playback the livestream from another machine

using ffplay
ffplay -i rtmp://server_ip:1935/live/ccc

Screenshot from 2016-06-09 15-43-58

RTSP streaming

1.start the rtsp stream from linux machine using ffmpeg

here using resolution 320×240 and stream name test

ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s 320x240 -i /dev/video0 -an -r 10 -c:v libx264 -q 1 -f rtsp -metadata title=test rtsp://server_ip:5554/flvplayback


2.view the incoming packets and stats on terminal at crtmpserver

3.playback the livestream from another machine using


ffplay rtsp://server_ip:5554/flvplayback/test

Screenshot from 2016-06-09 18-17-07


vlc rtsp://server_ip:5554/flvplayback/test



GStreamer-1.8.1 rtsp server and client on ubuntu

GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data.

Gstreamer is constructed using a pipes and filter architecture.
The basic structure of a stream pipeline is that you start with a stream source (camera, screengrab, file etc) and end with a stream sink (screen window, file, network etc). The ! are called pads and they connect the filters.

Data that flows through pads is described by caps (short for capabilities). Caps can be though of as mime-type (e.g. audio/x-raw, video/x-raw) along with mime-type (e.g. width, height, depth).

Source Code

Download the latest archives from

Source code on git :

Primarily 3 files are required

  1. gstreamer-1.8.1.tar.xz
  2. gst-plugins-base-1.8.1.tar.xz
  3. gst-rtsp-server-1.8.1.tar.xz

If the destination machine is a ec2 instance one can also scp the tar.xz file there

To extract the tar.xz files use tar -xf <filename> it will create a folder for each package.



sudo apt-get install build-essentials



GLib >= 2.40.0

GLib package contains low-level libraries useful for providing data structure handling for C, portability wrappers and interfaces for such runtime functionality as an event loop, threads, dynamic loading and an object system.

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev


Installing gstreamer 1.8.1 . Gstreamer create a media stream with elements and properties as will be shown on  later sections of this tutorial .

cd gstreamer-1.8.1
sudo make install

Screenshot from 2016-05-19 16-51-29.png

Screenshot from 2016-05-19 16-55-27.png

Screenshot from 2016-05-19 16-56-05.png

after installation  export the path

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

then verify the installation of the gstreamer by


provides information on installed gstreamer modules ie print out a long list ( about 123 in my case ) plugin that are installed such as coreelements:

capsfilter: CapsFilter ximagesink: ximagesink: Video sink videorate: videorate: Video rate adjuster typefindfunctions: image/x-quicktime: qif, qtif, qti typefindfunctions: video/quicktime: mov, mp4 typefindfunctions: application/x-3gp: 3gp typefindfunctions: audio/x-m4a: m4a typefindfunctions: video/x-nuv: nuv typefindfunctions: video/x-h265: h265, x265, 265 typefindfunctions: video/x-h264: h264, x264, 264 typefindfunctions: video/x-h263: h263, 263 typefindfunctions: video/mpeg4: m4v typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-elementary: mpv, mpeg, mpg typefindfunctions: application/ogg: ogg, oga, ogv, ogm, ogx, spx, anx, axa, axv typefindfunctions: video/mpegts: ts, mts typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-sys: mpe, mpeg, mpg typefindfunctions: audio/x-gsm: gsm

gst plugins

Now build the plugins

cd gst-plugins-base-1.8.1
sudo make install


gst plugins good

cd gst-plugins-good-1.8.1.tar
sudo make install

RTSP Server

Now make and install the rtsp server

cd gst-rtsp-server-1.8.1

last few lines from console traces

Version : 1.8.1
Source code location : .
Prefix : /usr/local
Compiler : gcc -std=gnu99
CGroups example : no


It will compile the examples .

sudo make install


stream video test src

~/mediaServer/gst-rtsp-server-1.8.1/examples]$./test-launch --gst-debug=0 &quot;( videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=(yuv),width=352,height=288,framerate=15/1 ! x264enc ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )&quot;
stream ready at rtsp://


Manual for developers :

Simplest pipeline

gst-launch-1.0 fakesrc ! fakesink

➜ ~ gst-launch-1.0 fakesrc ! fakesink Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Pipeline is PREROLLING ... Pipeline is PREROLLED ... Setting pipeline to PLAYING ... New clock: GstSystemClock
To stop press ctrl +c ^
Chandling interrupt. Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ... Execution ended after 0:00:48.004547887 Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Setting pipeline to READY ... Setting pipeline to NULL ... Freeing pipeline ... [/sourcecode ] or to display to a audiovideosink gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! autovideosink
Screenshot from 2016-05-20 12-31-18.png To capture webcam
gst-launch v4l2src ! xvimagesink

Screenshot from 2016-05-20 13-06-56.png